A look into the delicate act of balancing personal life and work as a realtor. Attempting to create symmetry...

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

One Step in Front of the Other

Not sure why I am writing this as God didn’t give me the gift of communication, but somehow I feel compelled to give you a view of my life… as I know it.
For starters, I am married for almost 29 years to my best friend Chris who knows me better than anyone, (Christy is a very close second!) I have five wonderful kids (Eric 25, Ian 23, Meghan 21, Kenny 18, Kellen 14) who are successfully learning to make their own way in life with the meager tools we gave them. We have a black pug named Frodo, who thinks Chris is his mother, and a cat named Skwishee, who is really Meghan’s baby. Three of my kids live at home but I have a feeling not for long. Kellen will be an only child soon.

Almost four years ago I decided to get my real estate license and work as a realtor. Wrong timing! I wasn’t going to let the economy get me down and I poured myself into my new business learning all I could and researching many avenues that could possibly help my business. Even though there have been ups and downs, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and to serve my clients. My personality is to pour all I have into what I am doing. What I am learning though is a balance – sure I give 100% to the task at hand, but I need to structure the 24 hours that I have been alotted and figure out how to give evenly to the passions, tasks, responsibilities and privileges I have been given. As Jars of Clay says in their song “Work”, I am on the eve of bittersweet. I will figure it out cuz I have a great support system and God on my side.

So… today I was able to send Kellen off on a mission trip to Las Vegas with a hug, kiss and a prayer. Kenny was sent off to work with a full tummy of a delicious bacon and egg breakfast and Chris was lovingly cheered on as he marched into the trenches of the busy ER. Home alone I spent some of my time working on my website, twitter and other frustrating technical aspects of my job. I tore myself away from the computer and did a grueling Crossfit workout, then warmed up some leftovers for dinner and sat down again in front of the computer. This time, with JCTV blasting in the background, I sat down to evaluate my time management and here I am, writing about it… appropriately a song about wasting away is playing in the background.

Going to condition my hair, take care of my nails and then sit down to read a book, “The Misunderstood God” – how is that for balance? smiles


Paul Smith said...

On the bright side, at least Kellen is too young to play the casinos! ;-)

Acton Buff said...

I understand at some level. I always feel I am trying to balance on something. Making sure I am doing what I NEED to do and wanting also to stay focused on the good things of life, which rarely include working on the computer.
You are doing the things that need to get done. But don't forget that the pleasures of life are God, our families, friends and nature. Keep these in the proper prospective and you will survive.
Love you Patty!

Unknown said...

Good first attempt Patty. It was well written and kept my interest through to the end. See you guys soon

Mary Kay Stewart said...

Great correspondence, Patty. I could envision myself like a 'Tinkerbell' flitting in on a bright day in your life. More!! Peace MK

Joan Stewart Smith said...

NIce job, Patty. Guess what? You do have the gift of communication!

Acton Buff said...


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